
Below Is Info On Web-Based Email Browsing Vs. Client-Based Email Browsing!

There are two options when it comes to "Email Browsing!" Web Based and Client Based...

Web Based is when you go online and go to your email through a browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.)

Client based is a specific app (and/or) application, such as Outlook.

You can use to check email and do other tasks you can't do when you are browsing your emails on a Web Based client!

We prefer Client-Based email because of it's functionality and we think it's just easier to use. Our teacher says it is less likely for her to miss an email in Outlook than the way emails show-up (or hide) in web-based.

Also, if you are trying to open your email on an unsupported Web Browser you may run in to some road bumps, or even security issues whereas with client-based email services you won't often run in to many problems that require troubleshooting! Also if you would like more info you can click here for a video!